Hasan lab is focused (funded to work) on the conceptualization, design, search and discover, theoretical prediction, experimental discovery and development of new physics of quantum matter. The Lab research is focused on exploring novel physics of quantum-many-body emergence, condensates, quantum coherence, and topological (weakly or strongly interacting, entangled) emergence by combining novel spectroscopy, microscopy and transport methods including ARPES, STM/STS, Ultrafast/THz Optics (on topological and correlated quantum materials).

Topological Quantum Matter
Currently, we are exploring 2D and 3D quantum materials that feature a combination of strong correlation and topological phenomena.
This includes 2D materials that exhibit unconventional magnetism, topology, superconductivity and quantum Hall phenomena.
Topological superconductor platforms
Room Temperature topological materials
Artificial Condensed Matter Lattice, Artificial Topological Lattice
Topological kagome magnets and superconductors
Quantum spin-liquid candidates
Quantum Transport & Topology
Recent Invited Reviews:
M. Z. Hasan et al., Discovery of Topological Magnets: New Developments."https://absuploads.aps.org/presentation.cfm?pid=14503
- M. Z. Hasan, S.-Y. Xu, I. Belopolski, S.-M. Huang, "Discovery of Weyl Fermion Semimetals and Topological Fermi Arc States" Ann. Rev. Cond. Mat. Phys. 8, 289-309 (2017).
M. Z. Hasan et.al., "Weyl Semimetal Discovery Methods" United States Patent #10214797,
Nature Rev. Mater. 6, 784-803 (2021), Nature 612, 647-657 (2022).
S. Jia, S. Xu, M. Z. Hasan, "Weyl Semimetals, Fermi Arcs and Chiral Quantum Anomalies"
Nature Mater. 15, 1140-1144 (2016), Science 349, 613-617 (2015).
T. Neupert, M. Denner, J.-X. Yin, R. Thomale, M. Z. Hasan, "Kagome Lattice: Charge Order and Superconductivity in Kagome Materials"
Nature Physics 18, 137-143 (2022).
J. Yin, S. Pan, M. Z. Hasan, "Probing topological matter with scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM/STS),"
Nature Physics 3, 249-263 (2021)
J. Yin, B. Lian, M. Z. Hasan, "Topological Kagome Magnets & Superconductors"
Nature 612, 647-657 (2022).
Advanced Spectroscopy
Advanced Spectroscopy ( ARPES, STM/STS, Ultrafast-Optics/THz, FELs )
We utilize advanced state-of-the-art spectroscopic and microscopic techniques such as low temperature ARPES, spin-ARPES, STM, STS and ultrafast optical & THz, MBE-STM techniques to explore charge, spin, orbital and lattice degrees of freedom in novel quantum topological and strongly correlated matter.
We are currently developing new experimental methods.
Please visit the lab to learn more about experimental details and instrumental capabilities.
ARPES End-Station/BL: "MERLIN - A meV Resolution Beamline at the Advanced Light Source (Berkeley Lab)," AIP Conf. Proc. 879, 509 (2007). With MERLIN collaboration, M. Z. Hasan et al., "Design of an elliptically bent refocus mirror for the MERLIN beamline at the Advanced Light Source (Berkeley Lab)," Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 582, 135 (2007).
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 582(1): 135-137 (2007)
Berkeley Lab: https://newscenter.lbl.gov/2017/04/14/how-x-rays-pushed-topological-mat…
STM/STS technique Review:
"Probing topological matter with scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM/STS)"
J. Yin, S. Pan and M.Z. Hasan
Nature Reviews Physics 3, 249-263 (2021)


Bose-Einstein Lecture

Theory & Modelling
Topological Quantum Science and Engineering: Hasan lab helped launch the field of Topological Insulators by directly detecting the novel surface states and thoroughly demonstrating their unusual topological properties using advanced spin-sensitive spectroscopic techniques (50,000+ citations). Subsequently, Hasan group has theoretically and experimentally discovered many novel classes of topological matter and topological phase transitions including Topological Magnets (via the demonstration of Chern gap in 2012) using novel instrumentations and innovative methods and introduced designed discovery methods. The field expanded to include topological semimetals, notably Weyl Semimetals, whose states mimic massless fermions considered in quantum field theory. In 2015 Hasan group observed the emergent Weyl fermions and novel topological Fermi arc surface states in several topological semimetals he and his team theoretically predicted in arsenide and other materials. His Weyl fermion work is based on his and his team's theoretical predictions in several spin-orbit materials. Subsequently, he has theoretically and experimentally discovered many novel classes of magnetic topological semimetals. He has also made groundbreaking contributions (theoretical and experimental) in the subfields of topological phase transitions, topological magnets in 2D and 3D, topological nodal-line and drumhead metals, topological magnetic semimetals, topological chiral crystals, topological Hopf link semimetals, topological superconductors, Helicoid-arc quantum states and Kagome magnets and materials, Chern magnets and charge-ordered Kagome superconductors enabled by innovative applications and development of experimental methods. He identified room temperature topological materials. A vast majority of his experimental discoveries are based on his and his team's theoretical predictions of topological materials. These materials are broadly important for future device applications with higher energy efficiency, as quantum information science platforms, and for exploring new emergent or many-body quantum physics. He has also contributed to the conceptual design and theoretical development of some of these topics and written several comprehensive review articles by invitation. The methodologies introduced by him to explore and discover topological materials and phenomena are being used by others world-wide to further advance the field and led to new discoveries. His experiments and methods have been seminal in giving rise to the field of "Topological Quantum Matter" with more than 90,000 citations (over 250 publications with h-factor 105+), which is now growing vigorously at the nexus of condensed matter physics, materials engineering, nano-science, device physics & quantum engineering, chemistry and relativistic quantum field theory as evidenced in all citation tracks.
Recent Research
Topological Magnets & Superconductors
J. Yin, B. Lian, M. Z. Hasan, "Topological Kagome Magnets and Superconductors,"
Nature 612, 647-657 (2022).
Nature 602, 245-250 (2022).
Weyl & Chiral phenomena
S. Jia, S.-Y. Xu, and M. Z. Hasan, "Weyl Semimetals, Fermi Arcs and Chiral Anomalies,"
Nature Mater. 15, 1140–1144 (2016).
Nature Reviews Materials 6, 784–803 (2021)
Nature 604, 647-652 (2022).
"Probing topological matter with scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM)," Nat. Rev. Phys. 3, 249-263 (2021).
"Topological Insulators, Topological Superconductors and Weyl Semimetals," Phys. Scr. T164, 014001 (2015).
Nature Reviews Physics 3, 249–263 (2021)
Charge-order & Superconductivity
T. Neupert, M. Denner, J. Yin, R. Thomale, M. Z. Hasan, "Charge-order and Superconductivity in Kagome Lattice Materials," Nature Phys. (2021).
K. Jiang et al., "Kagome Superconductors AV3Sb5," https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.10809.
Nature Phys. 18, 137-143 (2022).
Chiral Crystals & Helicoidal physics
Chang et al., "Topological Quantum Properties of Chiral Crystals,"
Nature Mater. 17, 978-985 (2018).
"Discovery of Topological Chiral Crystals with Helicoid Arc Quantum States," https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.04466.
Nature 567, 500-505 (2019)
2D Materials & Quantum Devices
The magnetic genome of two-dimensional van der Waals materials ACS nano 16 (5), 6960-7079 (2022)
Tunable superconductivity coexisting with the anomalous Hall effect in 1T'-WS2; https://arxiv.org/abs/2501.05980
Transport response of topological hinge modes
Nature Physics 20, 776–782 (2024)
Novel Topological Matter
Belopolski et al., "Observation of a Linked Loop Quantum State in a Topological Magnet,"
Nature 604, 647-652 (2022).
Novel Topological Matter: Discovery of a hybrid topological quantum state
Nature 628, 527 (2024)
Quantum Transport & Topology
Topological Quantum Transport : Transport response of topological hinge modes
Nature Physics 20, 776–782 (2024)
Room T Topo Phenomena
Chang, Xu et al., "Room-temperature Magnetic Weyl Semimetal and Nodal Line Semimetal States in Co2TiX" https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.01255
Room-temperature quantum spin Hall edge state in a topological insulator
Nature Materials 21, 1111–1115 (2022)
Ultrafast quantum phenomena
Unconventional photocurrent responses from chiral surface Fermi arcs
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 166404 (2020)
Photocurrent-driven transient symmetry breaking in the Weyl semimetal
Nature Materials 21, 62–66 (2021).
M. Z. Hasan, In Proceedings Volume PC12419, SPIE; Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXVII (2023)
Fermi arc, correlations & Superconductivity
Coexistence of Bulk-Nodal and Surface-Nodeless Cooper Pairings in a Superconducting Topological Semimetal.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 046402 (2023).
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 066402 (2023)
Tunable topologically driven Fermi arc van Hove singularities.
Nature Physics 19, 682 (2023).
Quantum Phase Transitions
Unconventional Scaling of the Superfluid Density with the Critical Temperature in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Science Adv. 5, eaav8465 (2019)
Quantum Phase Transition of Correlated Iron-Based Superconductivity in LiFe1- xCoxAs
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 217004 (2019)
Artificial Condensed Matter Lattice
“A novel artificial condensed matter lattice and a new platform for one-dimensional topological phases”
Science Adv. 3 e1501692 (2017)
Nematic-Order & Quantum Control
Nematic-Order & Quantum Control: "Giant and anisotropic many-body spin–orbit tunability in a correlated kagome magnet,"
Nature 562, 91–95 (2018).
Nature 612, 647-657 (2022). (review)
Knotted Quantum Matter
Knotted Quantum Matter: Observation of a linked-loop quantum state in a topological magnet
Science 365, 1278-1281 (2019)
Nature(Link is external) 604, 647–652 (2022)